These are our better than Organic chicken that are roaming the field. In the background are the "chicken tractors" that are moved from North Carolina field to North Caolina field. The chicken tractors are the roosts where the free range chickens are safe from predators at night. Notice the egg boxes on the side of this chicken tractor, these are our laying hens. The circular silver colored objects are watering systems.
Our eggs are like the rest of our products, they are as nature intended.
This means are eggs are not all of the same color although they are all brown eggs. They are not all the same size. They may have a double yolk.
We raise Rhode Island Red hens, they are a Heritage Breed that is an Old and Established breed, They are even the state bird of Rhode Island.
This is an actual picture of our Free Range eggs that we gather.
In order to keep our prices in line with the grocery stores we MUST include eggs with a regular meat order and we have a 3 dozen minimum and are $4.50 per dozen. Our eggs will last for 45 days !!!!!
Our honey comes from Cloister Honey here in Charlotte. The honey is non pasteurized, just filtered. It is the healthiest sweetener and the natural sweetener.
We have Wildflower Honey in 16 ounce and Combed Wildflower Honey that is about 12 ounces.
Just add it to your order !!!!!!!!!!
Combed Honey
Maple Syrup from the Virginia mountains. 2500 Sugar Maple trees in the Southwest corner of Virginia !
Sugar Maple Trees being tapped !!!!!